Clifford Chance, London - Installation View
Ph. Paul Tucker

Installation Views from:
Maria Stenfors, London 2010
Göteborg Art Museum and Galerie Krone, Berlin 2011
Eastside Projects, Birmingham 2012
Nordnorska Festspelen, Harstad 2015
In No Particular Order
2009- ongoing. At this point there are 156 paintings in this series and it has been exhibited and performed in galleries and museums all over Europe. Each painting is 101x66cm and can be stacked in random configurations from floor to ceiling in any architectual space. The series was premiered at Maria Stenfors, London in 2010 which the first four images depict, the other six images are from the second outing which was at Göteborgs Konstmuseum in 2011.
In Particular Order, No?
In Particular Order, No? Is the second performative reading by Martin Gustavsson and Ian White that explores Gustavsson’s work In No Particular Order. This time randomly selected paintings are configured into a narrative derived from pre-prepared texts detailing descriptions and actions (calls and responses, like questions and answers, of images and people that may or may not exist) drawn from a hat on the roll of a dice.
Something like a magical mystery tour by torch light, it is an invitation to take a chance – which might be anyway ordinarily how we make sense (or make sense of theis) and which, again, might employ systems similar to those that are at play in the work itself.
This work was part of the exhibition It’s Moving From I to It shown at Eastside Projects in Birmingham in 2012
The following year Ian White, in October 2013 tragically died. I lost one of my best friends and this work will forever be indebted to him and our work together.
As a continuation of the performance work surrounding the series of paintings together with Rodrigo Gomez Olivos I performed the work with a projection which Rodrigo and I had ecollaborated around in Lima, Peru. The seminal text I speak for my difference by Pedro Lemebel was read out during the performance by Rodrigo. The paintings were taken down and handed out to the audience and stacked in 6 heaps. They were later re- hung with the help of a dice.
Clifford Chance, London - Installation View
Ph. Paul Tucker
Installation Views from:
Maria Stenfors, London 2010
Göteborg Art Museum and Galerie Krone, Berlin 2011
Eastside Projects, Birmingham 2012
Nordnorska Festspelen, Harstad 2015